Celebration and a Yucky Dish

Yesterday night, I went out with a good friend to celebrate his promotion. Hey, I'm greedy, can't refuse a good treat, right?

So we went to the Hawaaian Steak House in Lobak which offered many western dishes and interesting drinks, especially big mugs of fruit juice! Yummy.

Anyway, in the end, we decided a well-knowN French dish.

Yup, escargots.... Ewwww....

LOL, well, they had it on the menu, and we were feeling up to the Fear Factor challenge, HA HA!


Wuching said…
did it taste alright? we have something similar & they're called balitongs so there's not much difference between us & the french yeah?
Lau Niang said…
What...escargots are nice what. Is it butter fried? Those are yummylicious!
Las montaƱas said…
nice.. snails with garlic butter.
Anonymous said…
Eh what fear factor la..ok ok..give me rm 50K , and I will telan 10 of that for you , gladly..

K.K. said…
well-known French dish... thought u gonna talk bout foie gras. escargots yummy what!
Anonymous said…
Escargots are yummy.
Las montaƱas said…
poohb: yummy? I cook them for you! my garden got lotsa snails! *crunch* that goes one under my shoes.
sengkor said…
sbanboy said…
Hmmm I should try it when I am back :)
winniethepooh said…
yummy..more promotion means more escago? :)
Annie said…
I swear I saw one moving. Are you sure they killed the snails? I'm against cruelty to snails. No snails for me. *shudder*.

You crazy Jonzz. Thank you for not posting a half-eaten snail.

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