'Loving Your Neighbor' Seminar

Sat through two interesting talks in a seminar in STM yesterday. Well, they were pretty good talks conducted by in Mandarin but too bad my command of the language is still not up to par to get the most out of these talks. Anyway, the following two ideas stuck to my head yesterday so I just had to blog it to remember it:

  1. Remember when a man asked Jesus 'Who is my neighbor?' and how did Jesus answer him. LOL, of course not straighforwardly. He had to give the man a 'cheong-hey'(long winded) story on the good Samaritan and ended it by asking the man a question, 'Who do you think was a neighbor to that man?' In that illustration, the speaker spoke about how self-centred our focus are these days, as in, we always ask, 'What's in it for me?' or 'What can I do?' as though the whole world just revolves around us.
  2. Have you ever in your life told someone when asked ,'Where is your brother/sister/father/mother?' and you answered 'How should I know? I'm not in charge of so and so.' The remark made by the speaker was that by saying that we actually echo the words of the first murderer in the Bible, Cain who said when questioned by God, 'Am I my brother's keeper'.
Hmm, maybe I should get a copy of that DVD and translate it at leisure. Ha ha.


Las montaƱas said…
"Where is your brother/sister/.."

Abang? he's here! *point to guy on left* :P

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