Photo Hunters: Tiny

For me, in order to label something as tiny, either you have to have some form of comparison or it is just a matter of perspective. An ant is tiny to a human being. A human being is tiny compared to a dinosaur. From another point of view, even large objects like stars, may appear tiny to the human eye because we view them over such a great distance.

For my first Photo Hunter entry, I'm recycling this photo from an earlier blog entry:

The praying mantis ranks as one of the larger insect predators and it feeds on other insects. However, one morning I spotted this baby praying mantis perched on one of my house gate bars. It looked so vulnerable and defenseless since it had not yet grown much bigger than an ant. It makes me wonder what other smaller insects this tiny fellow had for breakfast. LOL!


Such a tiny insect but gives me the shivers.
Anonymous said…
what a wonderful shot!! Have a great Saturday!!
Anonymous said…
The way you caught his head tipping to the side he looks a bit playful

Happy PhotoHunting
-tnchick- said…
Beautifully taken. Love how the mantis appears so clearly!
Wuching said…
i do feel like squashing it!
Anonymous said…
The color contrast makes the praying mantis look vibrant.

have a great weekend! :)
Chen said…
This is the first time i see a baby mantis :)
winniethepooh said…
lucky this is a tiny one..if not i'll be tired out trying to hop faster and further than it does! hahaha
Anonymous said…
I thought you would the baby in and tame it
Las montañas said…
eeks.. consider reducing the number of bug pics on your blog or else risk scaring off your readers.
Anonymous said…
I love praying mantis's. I have seen a tiny baby one before and they certainly "tiny". Great photo for this weeks theme. Have a great weekend and thanks for sharing.
PowersTwinB said…
Welcome to Photo Hunt! I love this photo...and especially a baby mantis, never see those! My photo is up, please come and visit
CRIZ LAI said…
The little fella is sure tiny and cute. Great shot. Wishing you a calm, happy and lovely weekend!
Anonymous said…
welcome to photo hunter... hope u enjoy hunting for photos...
this is my 2nd time participating...

that mantis is so tiny that it makes the gate bar looks so big...

mine's up too... check it out...
have a nice weekend... cheers
Miz said…
Great shot, it looks so delicate.
Lynn said…
Good thing you were able to take a picture of this w/o the mantis jumping on you. :)

Welcome to Photo Hunt!
Very cool! What a neat shot. :) Welcome to the Photo Hunt!

My tiny photos.
Linda said…
For some reason, praying mantis have always creeped me out but I don't mind looking at pictures of them!

Great shot, have a great weekend!
Anonymous said…
Great shot and certainly tiny!

Welcome to the Photo Hunt:)
Shawna said…
I can't believe you saw one that small! Great shot!
Anonymous said…
Great shot and welcome to the Photo Hunt!

Happy Weekend.
Jonzz said…
Friday's Child, I think it's perfectly common to have a fear of insects.

Tegdir92, Thank you very much!

Pam, That's a very interesting way of looking at an insect. Playful? I'd have never thought of it.

TNChick, Thank you for the nice comments. I guess I'm fortunate to have come across the little fellow AND have my phone camera handy at the moment.

Wuching, Don't be so violent la. Insects are also living things and some of the are beneficial to us indirectly.

Julie, It wasn't intentional but good thing it turned out that way. Thanks.

Chen, There's always a first time for everything and there are many first times still left out there.

Winniethepooh, LOL, you are way bigger than it.
Jonzz said…
Zeroimpact, I don't know what kind of insects it eats. Hunting for my pet is not my idea of a hobby, LOL!

LM, LOL, it's kind of like a horror movie. People are scared but they will come and take a peek at it. LOL, okay, that's a far out idea!

Kissedalotoftoads, It was my first time though, seeing the baby mantis. Don't spend enough time observing in the garden. Thanks for the nice comments.
Anonymous said…
u managed to take such a candid shot..if me, it would have probably hopped away b4 i got ready :)
Cute tiny Mantis.
Did you move it to a safer place?
Very good Tiny!
Liz Hinds said…
Welcome to Photohunters!

great shot. Even a fearful creature has to be tiny at some point.
I've never seen one before!

Mine's up too :)
me said…
do you realise you have a thing for insects?? you seem to like to take photos of them....
Anonymous said…
yikkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!! Gonna scream my head off if I see one.
Jonzz said…
powerstwinb: It was my first time seeing such a small one too.

criz lai: Thanks, I like your post too. Very unique.

alvinc: Thanks, will look it up.

miz: Yeah, tiny things always look delicate.

lynn: Somehow praying mantis don't strike me as the jumping type, compared to grasshoppers and locusts.

dragonheart: Welcome. Thanks for the comments.

linda: LOL, I guess the same can be said of lions and tigers.

a.: Thanks!

lovemystarr: Yeah, lucky thing I did. Makes this week post easier, LOL!

pat: Thank you!

bengbeng: That's the beauty of keeping a camera phone in your pocket, LOL!

cats~goats~quotes: Huh, no. Why? Maybe it was feasting on the ants there.

liz: LOL, how very true!

teena: Well, always a first time for everything =)

me: That's true, I think insects are very colourful and have such intricate designs and patterns.

hijackqueen: Seriously??!! Hmm, you don't strike me as the type who would. LOL!
Annie said…
I'm just being fashionably late.. You and your bug collection Jonzz. he he.

Actually, that's a very sharp picture with perfect angles. Well done.
Heart of Rachel said…
Welcome to SPH. Sorry I wasn't able to drop by last week. The praying mantis is a remarkable insect although I have to admit I'm scared to touch them. :) Great shot! Thanks for sharing.

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