Enlightenment for Annie

Poor Annie, try this picture. Remember... think... stick figure. Two arms propping up chin.


Annie said…
LOL! ok you made it worse! Now you got some stick coming down between her legs. This is serious. If that's the elbows, how come the elbows are now transparent? Is the stick in the middle supposed to beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee... a. a. a.. stick holding up her head?

I'm so cornfused.
Anonymous said…
OMG Annie... You really can't see it can you? Hahahahha!!! This is funny... Just when I thought Jon was making a better illustration out of the old one...
Annie said…
Stop laughing. I know what this is. It's a conspiracy between all of you.. You all got together and said, let's put a joke on Annie. Of course! It's a stick figure on stiletto; but we'll say it's something else *wink wink*.. Oh sure, I know what this is.

You're ALL MENTAL! If it's contagious, don't sneeze in my direction. mmmkay?


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