Cartoon Mania 4.5: Who else?

For all the dear concerned bloggers, I'm almost recovered from that bout of fever which I suspect was due to some food poisoning. Urgh...

On a side note, I had a pretty good laugh reading about how Sam dealt with a gal who was plagiarizing wholesale from his blog. You have to read his entry here... it's a hilarious.

Ah, the mouse hand is itching again and the cartoonist gene is acting up. There's somebody I love to cartoonize but I don't have enough energy so I'll just show the rough sketch for now and finish the rest later.

Now the question that's bugging me is: Dominatrix in leather or Super Mum? Shall we put it to a vote?

BUA HA HA HA HA! (Evil screams echoing.... I blame the fever... my brain's fried)


Las montañas said…
Who's this!!! Let me check with my MonaLisa painting to see who's prettier. :P
Las montañas said…
oh man!! she's got such square and manly jowls! hmm.. Mona Lisa would have been trying to hide a snickle!
Anonymous said… is Annie!!!! But she looks prettier than that. She is going to kick u Jonzz.
just me said…
Glad you are better and the cartoon "fever" is taking over now
Jonzz said…
Dear LM and PB(especially PB): Do you actually know what is a 'rough sketch'? Sigh...

just me: Thanks!
Annie said…
*kick* Jonzz. LOL! I thought it was a picture of SAM with lipstick.. HAHAHAHAHA! wow, Mom, what big JAWS you have.

to better to EAT YOU.. bah hahaha

you sick dude? I hadn't noticed.. *whistling innocently*... such a concerned friend I am.. I smelled something burning.. didn't realize it was your brain.. LOL! *snicker*

now, karma will make me sick, you'll see.

Poohbee's my newest bestest friend for calling me P-R-E-T-T-Y.

KopiSoh said…
Hope you are feelin better today, I oso change Aki's song to Japanese version just for you:o)
Las montañas said…
ok Jonzz, this is a rough sketch. can you do a complete oil painting then? (no problem if you decide to photoshop... we wouldnt mind at all)
me said…
i vote leather, definitely. complete with whips and handcuffs.kakakka. nah, that wouldn't sound like annie. perhaps painter's overall and brush will be more appropriate at this point, with a touch of paint on her face? btw, annie's got a sharper chin n sexier lips. don't know how u r going to catch the gist of annie in your pic but i'm looking forward to it.
Sebastiane said…
Who is this ... Haha!
ChinkinIn said…
Super dominatrix mom. no, that's kinda sick. Do both and then morph them. That'll be cool. The mom who's also a superhero, fighting crime. Weapons of choice, paint cans and brushes... Can't wait!
Wolfies Rants said…




You weren't kidding..better fix that "rough" sketch up there..I see someone coming round the corner with a paint can...and I don't think she's got art on her mind!
Annie said…
Is that a smirk on my face? Well, at least I look better than Monty. I'm not green and stuff.
Anonymous said…
Cant wait to see the final version.

Of course Pooh knows wat rough sketch is, Jonzz! Ggggrrrrrrr....
Annie said…
You're NOT excused Jonzz! Ya gotta finish what you started!!!!!!
Melvin Mah said…
Look pretty assertive and aggressive in that picture....scary..~
Jonzz said…
Augh.... so much comments over a sketch... no more rough sketches liao.
Sam said…
Hardly Sam with lipstick lar! Don't even have long hair to begin with. :P

If it wasn't the guess that it was Annie - I would've thought it was Michael Jackson. LOL! :D

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