Cartoon Mania 7: Julee

Thanks to certain someone who has posted a wealth of reference photos, I can finally do the caricature of Miss Julee. I've purposely omitted her glasses. It seemed nice without colors so I posted it up. He he! Order completed, Julee!

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Anonymous said…
It really looks like her :)
Julee said…
oh, i see myself! Thanks a lot, its awesome :D!
Annie said…
Well, I think Poohbearee and Annie can be very jealous. SHe doesn't have a PacMan head or a paintbrush in her hand. She's quite beautiful. I like it too. Can I be her and we can trade places?
Jonzz said…
PB: heh

julee: NP

kyels: looks like an older her, ha ha

annie: tsk tsk tsk don be jeles. I'll do another one for you next time. ja ja ja..

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