Mid Year Resolutions

5 days . . .

5 tiring days without Streamyx at home . . .

5 extremely boring nights with the ADSL modem light blinking and mocking me . . .

With boredom, comes inspiration. Time to re-examine and fine tune my list of resolutions . . . I have decided on five. Hmmm, seems easy enough to manage this time.

  • HEALTH: Get Fit, not Fat - Objective: climb Gunung Kinabalu next year
  • EXCITING: Life is exciting! Slowly but surely cut the word 'Bored' and 'Sienz' out of my vocabulary
  • ACTIVITY: Cut down on gaming sessions and stop initiating gaming sessions at cybercafe
  • LANGUAGE: Master my Chinese classes and destroy the title 'Banana Man' for good
  • SPIRITUAL:Resume my spiritual journey by reading my ever acccumuling accumulating and dust-gathering 'mountain' of Christian books


eve said…
I sappot seratus peratus.....
K.K. said…
eh, climbin Mt. Kinabalu won't get u fit. can only give u headaches, dizziness, nausea, vomiting and palpitations (altitude sickness). the trainin for it does! not easy oh, my friends of early 20s also got prob climbin coz not enough preparation. u've been warned! :)
Anonymous said…
hear ye hear ye! Aye to all your resolutions!
KK, how did you train for the climb? Any tips?
Lee Ping said…

I like "S", resume spiritual journey.
KopiSoh said…
Good resolutions, I hope all of them will be achieved. Good luck!
Annie said…
Pheeeew! I read it twice, Thank goodness you didn't mention anything about less BLOGGING! i'd have to come over and smack you!

Banana man? mm?
Anonymous said…
Jia1 You2!!!
K.K. said…
specific trainin wud be hitting lots & lots of stairs, so say no to elevators. in gym, do squats, leg extensions, weighted lunges, calf raise, stair-machines etc. stamina = RUN! dun neglect back muscles too, you'll need strong ones for the ~20kg backpacks. can save substantial amt of porter fees :)
winniethepooh said…
As usual, you amazed me with your 'words' :) As Shakespeare said, "A pen is mighter than a sword". Hope to hear good news on a Part 2 of your H.E.A.L.S midyear resolution!
Anonymous said…
All the best!

Anonymous said…
No streamyx for 5 days in a row? That's like the worst nightmare ever!

Wanna get fit? Climbing Mount KK will help meh? Go do some working out la...

Ngong kui kui geh...
Anonymous said…
phooo....no streamyx. yea..that flickerin' light can get quite annoying!!!!

but you're back!!!
Anonymous said…
Btw, how is your Chinese now? Can speak fluently? Can blog in Chinese? :)
Jonzz said…
eve: Thank you. Thank you.

kk: Aiyo, KK. You read it absolutely wrongly liao. My new year resolution is to get fit. We have a plan to climb MK next year. I'm using that as a motivation. Of course to climb, must get fit first la.

jimbo: You are entrusted to remind me of them, LOL!

Lee Ping: I think that's the hardest one, He he

firehorse: Well hope so too.

annie: ROFL! Ah ha ha ha ha... hmm.. Banana man means a person yellow on the outside and white on the inside. Looks like a Chinese but only knows how to speak English.

PB: Thank you.

KK: Such painful visions ahead, LOL!

winniethepooh: LOL, they will be lifelong ones lor. Not just a yearly thing.

kyels: Thanks!

ngong kui: Who are you? Call yourself 'ngong kui' pulak? Read properly before you comment la. That one mean getting fit with an objective to climb MK.

mott: I still don't have a line at home.

poohbearie: Hehe, not that good yet. But maybe can type one or two things.

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