even better, if lying down, in the nude, let your mind go blank, and forget all your cares. even more of a liberation me thinks. works wonders in letting the juices flow. :p
You've gotten so skinny, you're all bones! Look at your hands! You don't HAVE ANY hands! and what happened to your toes? and your eyes have been poked out.. Well, that may be my fault. he he. Jonzz, do you draw these pictures using your mouse or do you draw with a pencil kind of wand - because I don't get how you and Mummy ME draw these cute pictures.
now draw. lol
1) single,
2)childless, &
3) jobless.
do you qualify?
Playing computer games all day n night ah?
Hey fren, watever u r counting down to, wish u all the best in the process and the results.
Haehh?..Some days oni meh?..I feel like doing it every day wor.
doc: Dang, 2 out of 3 ain't bad.
ME: It's the lesser known state of enlightenment known as 'Nerd-vana'.
winniethepooh: I wish!
mott: boleh, boleh
poohbearee: Now, where did that computer game bit come from?
stay-at-home mum: LOL!
Annie: I'm using PhotoImpact. But I think most drawing software have the feature. It makes drawing curvy stuff easy sort of like connecting-the-dots.
eve: Kuchi koo? LOL!
k.k: What do you recommend, doctor? 21 km runs?