Warning! Reptiles ahead. You have been warned!
Work was fairly routine today. Just a new-fangled photocopy machine which required almost all my attention the entire day.
Things were fairly uneventful until evening when I went into the gents' and saw . . .

Work was fairly routine today. Just a new-fangled photocopy machine which required almost all my attention the entire day.
Things were fairly uneventful until evening when I went into the gents' and saw . . .
Yes, this larger-than-your-average gecko or house lizard was doing big jumps along the toilet wall, until it even caught my attention. It's as though it was squeaking "I'm here! I'm here" if it had any vocal chords.
I think it must be endowed with kangaroo genes.
Ahhh...I know, the idea of me taking this photo must be the ultimate expression of boredom. Sigh.
I think it must be endowed with kangaroo genes.
Ahhh...I know, the idea of me taking this photo must be the ultimate expression of boredom. Sigh.
The gecko was enjoying its daily ammonia intake. Don't disturb!
Reminder :P
adrien: So I see you have feline bodyguards.
winniethepooh: LOL!! so scared of geckos, meh! Me, I hate snakes.
eve: Adoi, handphone in pocket lar.
firehorse: Take lar... can send to me for Photo Hunters under 'Crippled'. LOL, hmm I wonder if got such topic!
LM: Wah you Martian types understand gecko physiology so well. LOL!
PB: HA HA HA... I was waiting so long for someone to say that. So you get the award for 'First One Who Cannot Tahan and Remind Jonzz Not To Say He Is Bored ' Award. This medal not very big but it has a very long plaque. HA HA.
why the F*cK did you bring a CAMERA to the bathroom?
do I want to know? Do i need to call a psych consult for you little brother? tsk. tsk.. poor geiko looks like he's doing his "thing" and you're interrupting him. I can imagine the geiko saying using a british accent, of course, "I wish that human would bugger off and leave me with some privacy, my goodness, what's it going to take to get a little time to myself. Bollocks"
chen: No way!
zeroimpact: Hah, I would step on it then.
LM: Then I'll dance the Urinal Dance of Shaking the Lizard Off, Ha Ha
annie: The camera was in the phone and the phone was in my pocket and the paparazzi was still in a good state of mind.
jomel: LOL, being a bit blogging mad, I take photos of anything these days.