Life and Death
Day 5 of 30
** Dark religious post ahead. Proceed only if you have high optimism or jonzz immunization shots.
I love Tuesday nights these days. There's Ugly Betty and Desperate Housewives on television. I'm a sucker for quirky stories with dark humour, clever twists and oddball characters.
But tonight's episodes have been somewhat a little darker than usual.
What else can you expect from season finales?
In one of these series, a character takes her life after a failed relationship. It made me think about life and death once again.
At times we hear, life is precious. At other times, we hear, human life is so cheap. Human beings are ever so full of contradictions. Having a good brain certainly did not make our life easier but more complicated. Makes one wish Adam did not take that fruit from the tree of knowledge. Well, we can always blame Eve. That was a joke. Don't start a debate.
Anyway, I was thinking about suicide. The topic of suicide, not committing suicide.
When I was in Form Three, a girl committed suicide before her results were out. When the results were out, she actually scored all A1son in all her subjects. Back in those days, if you even failed your Malay language paper in SRP (yesterday's equivalent of PMR), you could not progress to Form Four. The added exam stress, parental pressure and current events made me strongly entertain suicidal thoughts. It freaked me out.
To cut a long story short, as a result I became a Christian. But so you know, no one goaded me. No one threw tracts and Bridge illustrations at me. And no one pushed my guilty feelings into overdrive til I zipped off into the nearest church. That's another long story.
But as a side effect of that period, I do not really hold life in high regard any more. Rich or poor, smart or stupid, black or white, married or single, tall or short, fat or thin, there is only one thing that is certain in life; from dust we came, to dust we will return. There is really nothing to envy another person for.
The Bible does quote in its most negative toned book, Ecclesiastes that everything is meaningless. We should just live, do good and be happy. Why be stupid and do evil if there is a possibility for eternalramifications consequences?
Sorry I'm ranting again. To quote Jimbo, tis been a dark night for the soul.
** Dark religious post ahead. Proceed only if you have high optimism or jonzz immunization shots.
I love Tuesday nights these days. There's Ugly Betty and Desperate Housewives on television. I'm a sucker for quirky stories with dark humour, clever twists and oddball characters.
But tonight's episodes have been somewhat a little darker than usual.
What else can you expect from season finales?
In one of these series, a character takes her life after a failed relationship. It made me think about life and death once again.
At times we hear, life is precious. At other times, we hear, human life is so cheap. Human beings are ever so full of contradictions. Having a good brain certainly did not make our life easier but more complicated. Makes one wish Adam did not take that fruit from the tree of knowledge. Well, we can always blame Eve. That was a joke. Don't start a debate.
Anyway, I was thinking about suicide. The topic of suicide, not committing suicide.
When I was in Form Three, a girl committed suicide before her results were out. When the results were out, she actually scored all A1s
To cut a long story short, as a result I became a Christian. But so you know, no one goaded me. No one threw tracts and Bridge illustrations at me. And no one pushed my guilty feelings into overdrive til I zipped off into the nearest church. That's another long story.
But as a side effect of that period, I do not really hold life in high regard any more. Rich or poor, smart or stupid, black or white, married or single, tall or short, fat or thin, there is only one thing that is certain in life; from dust we came, to dust we will return. There is really nothing to envy another person for.
The Bible does quote in its most negative toned book, Ecclesiastes that everything is meaningless. We should just live, do good and be happy. Why be stupid and do evil if there is a possibility for eternal
Sorry I'm ranting again. To quote Jimbo, tis been a dark night for the soul.
u sound so mature....yet so detached. when you don't hold life in regard, many things can't hurt....but many things can bring joy too....
*sits with Jonzz and share a cup of leong cha*
Hang in there Jonzz.
But I missed it last night!!!!
Aaaargghhhh! Cos blardy NST TV guide indicated different programmes! Normally I don't check the papers, but dunno why I did yesterday. So I thought last week's episodes were the finale. I didn't bother turning on the TV until about 11.15pm and there it was...the ending of the finale!!! &^%*@#$!
They better repeat the show on Thursday night like they normally do! Ish.....
keep smiling, keep praying!
Suicides: sometimes it is sad, but it (mental condition) is a sickness that we ourselves cannot will ourselves out of it.
When one is in a dark tunnel, it is hard to do anything right. Perhaps, over long period of time, one get accustomed to the darkness.
However, God is the light at the end of the tunnel. If we continue to follow the light, eventually, we will walk out of the tunnel.
Once we are in the light, we will feel the ultimate peace, a peace that no one or nothing in this world can give. This peace will embrace us in times of need and in times of pain.
p/s Thanks for continuing to leave encouraging comments on my blog.
Eve, 'leong cha' is nice. I like Tim Tam better. LOL!
Annie, thanks. Still hanging in there.
Jimbo, well, I prefer a more permanent dawn.
King's wife, I thought Thursday nights were not repeats?
Wuching, That's kinda 'sick', LOL!
Winniethepooh, Thank you.
LM, yeah, it's scary to be a prisoner of your own mind.
Lee Ping, thank you too. The feeling is mutual. You do leave encouraging comments here as well.