Church Blues

Last Sunday, I walked into church with great expectations.

They had invited a speaker from an organization which deals with the very 'taboo' church issues of homosexuality, lesbianism, pornography, masturbation and etc...

Finally, the church is growing to be more attuned to the happenings in the world... or so I thought...

After an extended hour of listening to a speaker making insensitive wisecracks about the very people she claimed to be trying to help, and observing the majority of the church members lapping up the jokes, I was very disturbed. I didn't laugh.

To get a less biased picture of the events that took place, you can read my church buddy's lengthy 'discourse' on what transpired that Sunday morning.



Anonymous said…
Read Jimbo's post. Agree. I will not find the jokes funny either.

Anyway, God accepts everyone into His kingdom. And there is NO difference between a "big" sin or "small" sin. We learn to grow in His love in each day, whoever we are.

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