Post Holiday Blahs

Someone stole my holidays!
Suddenly I have to be back at work
The week was hardly seven days
I feel like such a jerk
No more sunshine to wake me
Back to the lousy alarm clock
No more being Mr Lazy
I feel like such a dork
I've not had my fill of good food
Cookies? Just a few
Seemed only yesterday was reunion dinner
And now it's turned to poo
Where are all the fireworks
The gambling and the fun
Late nights with non stop chatting
Looks like now they're done
I face Friday with trepidation
Sunday leading with alarm
With insufficient preparation
Oh no, I've bought the farm
-Jonzz the Poetic Ranter-
team.warsurfer: Ur... I AM starting work on Friday, actually
LM: no, no, poor LM (*pun intended*)