The Week Gone By...
Just got back from church camp... glad to be able to spend time with a buddy before he goes back to Deutschland... pros: excellent food, meaningful talks, plenty of swimming, fun card sessions and learned the 'Saboteur' card game... cons: lots of church buddies not around, smelly air from surrounding oil palm plantation, the very hazy air compared to Seremban, some lame group games and having to bump into one or two people I don't want to see.
Oh, mustn't forget the lovely durians I got from a fellow blogger in Seremban. At least I got to share them with buddy at camp. Thanks!
Came back earlier at midnight and decided to help out with the 'leftover church' in Seremban. Sad to hear that someone got robbed of her handphone by a group of ten people. This world is full of shitty people.
Sunday turned out to be quite a DIY day (Do-It-Yourself) day. Another church buddy returned my guitar but the electric battery pack clip was broken (Argh!!!!!). Did a McGyver with some package foam wrapping and it worked for now. Will spend that lame replacement money later.
Was planning to go shoe shopping with the surfer who wars. Unfortunately, pipe burst after my watering session and had help from relatives to fix it. You know what they say. When things go wrong, you can always depend on family. Thanks!
Oh well... one more hour and Monday will hit us in the face again... sigh...
cool post !
which church ru going??
发白日梦^^ : Hello. I'm from Methodist
eve: Yaaa
fufu: Church camps are not really the kind of camps you're thinking off. No campfires, tents and mosquito bites. More like dorms, catered foods, conference rooms and swimming pools, HA HAHA. No pics, I decided to enjoy myself this time, HA HA.
foongpc: Your favourite food. oooo... You must be having the time of your life this durian season.
BengBeng: haha