The Banquet

I watched this movie called 'The Banquet' tonight starring Zhang Ziyi. OK, I will not give any spoilers. All I can say is 2 hours plus passed by just like that. It had enough twists and plots to keep you guessing all the way. Beautiful costumes, cinematography, imagery, you name it. Haven't had a good show like this in ages.

What are you waiting for, go buy a ticket and watch it. I'm not gonna get killed for spilling the plot.


Las montaƱas said…
A review in the singapore papers say that with the length of the train that she wears, all the sweepers will be put out of jobs.
Jonzz said…
They probably want to illustrate a point that you don't need much sweepers in those days. After all how many sweepers do you see during the whole show? None!
Anonymous said…
I was looking forward to watching that too.. Alas, there's none here in Melbourne...
Anonymous said…
I watched the show also.
I like the song v much- the one zhou xun sang in the show:)
Jonzz said…
ianfluenza: they don't show chinese shows in melbourne?

poohbearee: my friend liked the closing song to. but i don't know which song you are referring to. I like the song sung during the show.
Anonymous said…
I just posted the lyrics and the link to the songs in my blog.
Anonymous said…
They do. But not all shows...

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