Moods - Contemplation (Updated)

Feeling kind of bored today so fooling around with the drawing pad. Wow, it's much better than using a pencil and eraser. With the right software, you can do wonders. This was the first sketch.

Thought it looked a little too light. Time to darken it. Hmm... maybe the first one is better. Use darker colors next time.


Anonymous said…
Nice one there
You seem to be an artist too
Anonymous said…
I love this drawing of yours; it made me think.
Applegal said…
I like the bird :) Why don't you colour it with photoshop?

Used to doodle a lot in class. Nowadays I can't afford to do that :P Sighhhh.
Anonymous said…
nice drawing
KopiSoh said…
drop by to give you this
for the annimated grapics.
sereneannabelle said…
i can say, this is a very good attempt. keep it up!
Wuching said…
put in some colours!
Jonzz said…
zeroimpact: aren't we all in one way or another =P ?

kyels: Heh, it is about thinking, right? =P

applegal: I want to but sigh... no perseverance, lol! I'm not familiar with the color part.

joycelyn: Thanks.

firehorse: Thanks.

serene: Thanks

wuching: Ha, ha, we'll see how.
me said…
with a computer instead of pencil? that sounds even harder.
Anonymous said…
"A little bird told me....."
Unknown said…
cool drawing
Annie said…
Where are da naked pictures? Why is this guy all clothed? Geebs, if you're gonna draw, post some naked pictures: big biceps, 6-pack abs, rough beard and well, you get the picture.

Annie said…
and why are his shoelaces untied?

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