Webs of Deceit

Jonzz got scammed. By some cheap flicker gift code thing promo thing on photokaki forum. Then Flickr emailed me to say you can't buy flickr gift codes from third parties. Oh no! My account has become normal again!
Cruel world!!!!!
Sigh... a fool and his RM50 are soon parted.
Ah well at least I had 3 months of pro-ness.
Now back to amateur-ness?
Sorry you got scammed. But luckily it's just RM50. Good lesson learnt, yes?
Hope all a well there
doc: True, true, greed does not pay.
foongpc: Ha ha, hello again. Good lesson, yeah!
zeroimpact: Yeah, it's cool. I didn't upload too many big pics.
fable frog: Still looking for better FREE image hosting, HA HA
bengbeng: Oh, I can't remember what you are using.. photobucket?